Angel Houghton
Southampton, UK
My mom left when I was two and I didn’t have the easiest of lives. Growing up unsure of my identity, dealing with bullying and undiagnosed mental health issues, I didn’t know someone could come along and scream everything I felt. His name was Chester Bennington. Numb was always my song to my mom after reuniting with her because I wasn’t what she wanted me to be. Chester has been a part of my life since I was ten years old struggling with myself, helping me evolve into who I am today. Since his passing, I became kinder, helping people more, trying to love each moment as if it’s my last. Even though he has gone, I find the only thing to calm me down when my anxiety is bad or that demon shows its ugly head is to play him screaming. He’s still saving my life even today and I will try to live my life as best as I can in his name.