Chloe Hatfield
Modern music nowadays all sounds the same like it’s on a loop, an endless cycle that repeats over and over and over again. Most of the time, they are soppy love songs, there’s no message or inspiration, no story or something to look up to or make you feel better about yourself. But that was Chester to me, he did all those things. He inspired people not only through his music abut through his character and sometimes goofy smile. I love LP in general, but Chester seemed like such a light, a beacon of hope, someone to look up to, someone you can look at and think, “Yes, this is a guy I want to listen to.” Chester was such a friendly and approachable person which made fans love him and he loved them in return. To me, Chester wasn’t just an artist that made amazing music, he was someone to follow and laugh with. Someone who could put a smile on your face from watching funny interviews of him and his bandmates. To me, Chester was a hero and his name and image, his whole being even, is something that will never be forgotten by those that love him. I hope to keep making him proud by staying positive and never forgetting who he was or what he was about, which was his fans, his music and his family. Chester, I hope I’m making you proud.