Tim Burchard
Concord NH, USA
Chester, moreover, Linkin Park, has impacted my life greatly. I had a very strong connection to Chester, I have just as strong of a connection to the rest of the band. It all started in 2001 when I was one year old. I had heard In The End from a relative and immediately loved the song. I think it was more of the sound or the tune that soothed my infant mind. However, it stuck with me, my Dad bought me the single on cassette tape, and I played that song on repeat for a long time. When I was about two, I got the album Hybrid Theory and Frat Party at the Pancake Festival, I listened to that every chance I got, I watched that documentary quite a bit too. I wasn't quite old enough to understand the lyrics or the documentary yet, but I was starting to learn them, and the documentary still interested me. When Christmas 2003 rolled around, I got Live In Texas and Meteora. That was when I really started to idolize Chester. I would watch Live In Texas and wear sunglasses like Chester, I would rock out like he did. What I remember most is watching the music video for In The End and my favorite part being the bridge when Chester jumps and breaks the floor and all the bats come flying out. I'd always imitate that by jumping off the couch and onto the floor or the air mattress I slept on at my dad's house, we went through quite a bit of those cause I'd always pop them trying to be Chester. Over the next few years, it was a constant cycle. I'd listen to Hybrid Theory and Meteora during car rides or whenever I had the chance to, I'd watch and sing along with Live In Texas to get all my energy out. The older I got, the more I got to know the lyrics. My fandom continued all the way through Minutes To Midnight and Road To Revolution. However, when I turned ten, I moved to a different house, and I didn't have internet, so I lost touch with LP before A Thousand Suns. I still listened to what I had though. I didn't get internet until I was fourteen, immediately I started listening to all the music I missed, read articles, watched documentaries, watched concerts on YouTube, learned all the lyrics, learned more about their origin, about Chester's origin, etc. I remember that point being the time when I really grew a strong connection with Chester. My home life wasn't great, I was bullied a lot. And I was really depressed. I'd always turn to his lyrics, to his words in interviews and documentaries, and I'd always find it would help me feel better. I looked up to Chester in every way. All that was missing was going to my first show and meeting them. I had the chance in 2015, but unfortunately, Chester had broken his leg and had to cancel. I was sad, but I waited until the next album. When One More Light came out, I fell in love with yet another LP album. I bought tickets early July 2017 for the show on July 27th. I was incredibly excited. My first show, the first opportunity for a meet and greet. I had all these things I wanted to say to Chester and the band, first and foremost I just wanted to give him a giant hug. After all, he saved me in a way. I grew up with them, and they've been a huge part of my life. Ever since Chester's passing, at first it didn't feel real, it was like I lost a family member. Of course, no one seemed to understand except for other LP fans. Some of which are my greatest friends to this day. I've kept Chester's memory alive by always listening to his music, watching shows, posting about him, etc. I know this was long, but Chester has impacted my life in a lot of ways for a very long time!