It’s no secret that Linkin Park were a band that truly came to define a musical movement in the early 2000s and would go on to influence many musicians on the rock scene today, as well as introduce a generation to a new and truly revolutionary sound. Their impact is often overlooked, as it’s difficult to comprehend just how huge they are. However, in a new interview with Heavy Consequence, I Prevail’s guitarist, Steve Menoian, spoke about how Chester’s passing affected not just him, but other artists who were performing on Warped Tour when the news broke.
“We were out on Warped Tour when we got the news about Chester, and it hit everybody on the scene. We almost couldn’t believe it. Anytime stuff like that happens within the heavy music community, it’s something that hits close to home and makes you question and rethink a lot of things. It influences you in a weird way. When we were on the Warped Tour and the news came out that he passed away, every single band was pouring their hearts out onstage, talking about how influential Linkin Park and Chester Bennington were to their music. It’s one of those things that just gives you some perspective.”
Menoian goes on to talk about how this impacted their own music as well, “I’m sure that there’s some way that it impacted our headspace for writing the new record. It’s almost like you become numb to how influential they were, just because they were so big. With Linkin Park, it was so mainstream, but then you have that moment when you realise how ground-breaking they were.”
Of course, only a few years prior was Linkin Park’s surprise performance at Warped Tour to celebrate the festival’s 20th anniversary, where they played with Warped Tour veterans like A Day To Remember’s Jeremy McKinnon, Finch’s Nate Barcalow and Yellowcard’s Ryan Key that had been specially chosen by the band. The set was only seven songs, but left an unforgettable impact on the event that would be hard to beat and still boasts the title of earning the stage that was specially constructed for their short set one of the biggest crowds in Warped history.
It seems likely that the musicians that were first inspired by Linkin Park will always acknowledge and want to pay tribute or homage to the band, whether it be covering their songs at live shows or just speaking on how they were influenced by them. Linkin Park’s influence has undoubtedly touched many musicians and fans alike and seems as though the outpouring of appreciation and thanks will continue with every new interview and performance.

We at LPFCW have similar articles available on the blog, such as our piece on The Used and our interview with Walking Rumor. I Prevail’s new album is available here. If you have been affected by any of the issues raised, help and resources can be found at Buddy Project.