Unknown, Kerrang!, Summer 2014
You send in your dilemmas, the stars dish out advice. This week: Chester Bennington, Linkin Park.
Hi Chester,
I've been trying to get a 'proper' job for the past couple of years now. I've been doing internships alongside my shitty bar job in the evenings. How long can you plug away at something you love until you have to give up? - Danny, Cardiff
Chester says: "Ironically, it wasn't until I gave up music that the opportunity came knocking on my door. Look, if it's something that you truly love and you're managing to do it while you get by, even if it's doing something that sucks, stick at it!"
Hey Chester,
There's a band on the local scene that's pretty much copying us. They keep coming out with riffs that sound a little too familiar - it's so frustrating! Have you ever had this? How can we stop them ripping us off? - Alice, Chester
Chester says: "Unfortunately, those riffs have more than likely been written before. You can't copyright notes on the scale! The way to make your stuff unique is to bring in someone to sing the melody in a unique way. On the other hand, if this keeps happening with this band, go and punch them in the face!"
Hi Chester,
My mum has started teaching at a school and everyone is rinsing me for it. Whenever she walks past, everyone always says "whey!" and calls me "mummy's boy". I wish she'd move to another school. I don't want to hurt my mum's feelings, but it's embarrassing. - Patrick, Hull
Chester says: "This is something that maybe mum should have thought about before. Patrick, you should talk to your mum if it bothers you, and she should at least know how it makes you feel. She could always move!"